Freitag, 29. Oktober 2021 · 20:00 · English lecture

Spooky Astronomy (English lecture)

English Halloween lecture – costumes welcome!!

Spooky Astronomy

by Paul Salazar (Munich Public Observatory)

29 October 2021, 8 p.m.
Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h, 81671 München

A faint nebula that looks like a skull, a supernova remnant like a monster jumping right at you, galaxies in the shape of a mysterious cartwheel, UFOs that the US Military cannot explain, signals from space that make you say ‚Wow!‘ – and what about faces on Mars and Jupiter’s ghost?
Lots of spooky things going on in the universe: right above your head… or rather below your feet?


+++ Die deutsche Version des Vortrags findet am 03. Dezember 2021 statt. +++

→ Hier geht es zur Seite für die deutsche Fassung: „Spooky Astronomy – Unheimliches Universum“
Am 03. Dezember sind noch fast alle Plätze verfügbar.

Gäste, die bereits den englischen Vortrag gebucht haben, und ausweichen mögen auf die deutsche Fassung am 03.12., können ihr Ticket kostenlos umbuchen. → Kurze Mail ans Büro genügt!

Visiting rules for 29 October:

Masks required. Halloween costumes welcome.

Please note also the „3G“ rule. For more info see here.

Tickets / Waiting list: At the moment, there is a waiting list („Warteliste“). It is well possible that some extra seats will become available. Or else you may choose to book a ticket for 03 December for the same lecture in German.

Ticket shop for the English lecture on 29 October 2021

If sold out, you may register on the waiting list or consider a booking of the German lecture on 03 December (link above).

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