Freitag, 25. März 2022 · 20:00 · English lecture

Compact Objects and Gravitational Waves

Compact Objects and Gravitational Waves

Ioannis Kamaretsos, PhD (Volkssternwarte München)
Lecture in English

Friday, March 25th, 2022, 8 p.m.
at Volksternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h

One great example of mankind’s legacy is the path to a deeper understanding of Gravity.
The eventual discovery of gravitational waves constitutes a crown of such conceptual and experimental efforts. This additionally provides us a new window into the Universe.

Tickets: € 8 / 5
Advance booking required due to limited number of seats.
Admission from 7:45 p.m.

About the lecturer:

Ioannis was always fascinated by the physical world. At 17 he was awarded 1st prize in the national Astrophysics competition and attended a NASA summer school. His Ph.D. and postdoc focused on gravitational waves and black holes, serving as a LIGO-Virgo member. Currently, Ioannis works as a team leader in Research & Development, in the field of robotics and automation.